our albums
Kickin' ass on the good side since 1996

Palm Trees Oh Yeah!
Alton, UK, 2024-2025
released Feb 2025
Nature Warrior Glam Punk! It's fun, but it ain't no joke! Topics range from the plight of the American Mustang to the importance of urban weeds, from following your crazy dreams all the way to Hollywood to the celebration of the sex-appeal that comes with standing up for your beliefs! Bang your head to badass guitars and plastic recorders! And drink up the positive energy to face the world with a defiant laugh and fight for a better future!
Mixed and mastered by James Michael (Sixx:A.M.)
Available on Streaming
Platforms, Bandcamp
& Vinyl

the Hollywood Years
Hollywood 1997-1998
released Oct 2024
Dive into the electrifying world of The Lürxx with this best-of album. This collection features re-mastered gems from the band's early days, capturing the raw, youthful energy of their glam punk sound. Recorded when the band members were just 18-20 years old, the tracks are infused with a ton of attitude and a touch of metal, making it a must-listen for fans of edgy punk rock. Experience the vibrant spirit and rebellious edge that defined The Lürxx' formative years in Hollywood.
Available on Streaming
Platforms & Bandcamp

Music for the Planet
Liverpool, UK 2020 - 2022
The Lürxx' first studio album after their 22 year hiatus. Liverpool has a special place in the band's hearts - it's not only drummer Joe's hometown but also the starting point of Sabú's and Xavi's musical journey - they were first inspired to form a band together by the Beatles! The band are therefore thrilled to have been able to record in the cradle of the West Coast sound - a nice nod to their Californian roots as well!
Available on Compact Disc
and Streaming Platforms

Jellyfish Moon
Reading, UK 2022
The first half of 2022 was a time of intense creative activity for the band: Xavi and Sabú went into the studio with their friends Zoe and Rune to record the EP "Jellyfish Moon". Meet the awesome bird that is the nightjar, celebrate tattoos and the power of art and meditate on the experimental ballad "Slow" - let us take you on a trip!
Streaming Platforms

Xmas with an attitude!
Alton, UK 2021
A rebellious little punky Xmas single which the Lürxx recorded in their lo-fi home studio in the autumn of 2021.
The A-side let's Rudolph vent his frustration at his bullies and the lack of support from Santa. The B-side takes us into the bleak world of a teenager stuck in super square surroundings...
Streaming Platforms

Give it to the Sea
Hollywood 1997 & Helsinki 1998
The first full-length album by Black Lürxx. Described by one reviewer as an innovative sleazy version of Tribe After Tribe and as "headstrong indie rock" by another, this debut album features a "captivating blend of old-school punk and dark heavy metal, with spellbinding melodies and hard rockers" in the words of another reviewer.