our music 1994-2025

The Streets are paved with Stars
Ride the wave to where we are free! To where life's a movie, an open ending, a script by you and me!

Mustang (the voice of a wild horse)
No fences to hold me, no weight on my back! No bridle to reign me! No rope on my neck! Wild! Wild! Free!

We are the Weeds
We're growing wild like weeds and we're breaking up the rigid streets! An ode to the rebellious power of weeds!

You're Badass
A love song for an activist - because it's HOT to stand up for what you believe in!

Ink, Blood & Vaseline
If the three kings were tattooists, this is the song they would sing!

Based on a riff we wrote in 1997 back in Hollywood, this has now evolved into the most kick-ass song about nightjars ever written!

Slow Children Slow
The rhythm of life on Anglesey. "And when the sun falls on the water it's beautiful!"

2022 & 1996
Sunset Shit (we won't back down!)
Originally written in 1996, shortly after moving out to Hollywood. We were living on the streets, pursuing our dream... "Just some more young musicians stranded in L.A. / for so many fuckin' years it's been the same! / It just might be a dream come true - / Hey, L.A., we're stuck with you!"

Nobody's Fault
Our version of one of our favourite Aerosmith songs from their epic 1976 album "Rocks". A very timely song, we tweaked the lyrics a little bit to enhance its relevancy in the face of climate change.

2022 & 1998
Duck Island
"Our wings carry wisdom, our eyes know the world and all of us share what we've learned. Of knowledge and secrets and ways of the world and things only ducks could have heard."

2022 & 1997
El Dorado
Sloth - we stand with you! Capybara - we'll heal your home! Tapir - we'll shield you from harm! We are all one, this is the home we love!

2022 & 1998
Smash the Dam
Smash the dam and break the barrier! Eels must swim from sea to source! As they've always done before!

Starry Eyes
Our take on this classic Mötley Crüe song from 1981. It relates back directly to our days living on the streets of Hollywood...

Der Traum ist aus
The Lürxx interpretieren "Der Traum ist aus" von Ton Steine Scherben. Im Original erschienen 1972 auf der legendären Ton Steine Scherben Platte "Keine Macht für Niemand" hat dieser Song Lürxx Sänger und Gitarrist Xavi (*1977, Berlin) Zeit seines Lebens begleitet.

Rudolph the red-nosed rebel
An anti-bullying xmas song. We expose the toxicity of the "cute" Rudolph-story and let Rudolph reclaim his dignity!

2021 & 1999
Hotdogs and apple pie
A country-punk-blues for all those teenagers stuck somewhere in square surroundings with people who don't understand what you're all about and who don't encourage you to follow your dreams!

Not Anymore
Our version of this awesome punk classic by the Dead Boys. Recorded 1997 at Rock'n'Roll Studios in Hollywood, filmed in 2017 in Terrassa, Catalunya.

Scheiße, Herr Doktor!
Just young punks wondering what this square society is all about...

I Don't Care
"I've heard that one before and now fuck off!" - the epitome of youthful disdain!

Sick Generation
From our first single - "the politicians get fatter, they talk so much shit their mouths smell. They're gonna die soon anyway and then we are stuck in their pile of shit!"